Hannah began Montessori School in January. Her school, Abriendo Camino, is run by our church and located next door to our apartment. After our visitors left in January, I frantically procured the requisite school uniform, sport uniform, lunchbox (in pink of course), 2x2 pictures, etc. Hannah’s first day of school was easier for her than me. Our little girl is growing up!
School is 100% in Spanish. Every morning she pledges allegiance to the Dominican flag. Her teacher says she works hard but barely talks (very unlike our daughter). Sometimes when the teacher addresses her (in Spanish), Hannah just shakes her head and waves her away. When she arrives home from school, all of her pent-up frustration spills out as she runs around the house, talking (often yelling) inappropriately loud. She’s been in school barely 2 months and it will take time to adjust.
However, each morning she is excited about going to school - minus the uniform. If the world were hers to command, she’d wear only cute dresses and change at least 4 times a day. Khaki uniform pants are for boys. We now refer to them as “gold” pants which for some reason makes them more tolerable in her 2-year old mind - and this way they match her cute gold shoes.